Project Management Module

Methodology For Project Management

AdvantageBMB’s component for project management is called MISPro. MISPro is a union of proprietary methodology and software that tracks all projects and ensures that they fully meet user’s requirements and are delivered on time and within budget.

What is a Project?

Except for problems that can be resolved in a few minutes, all user requests are designated as projects and tracked accordingly. Project lengths can range from two hours to reconfigure desktop software to many months for an enterprise-wide implementation of application software.


MISPro’s features include:

  • Manages projects throughout the entire lifecycle: specification – analysis – design – coding – user testing – implementation
  • Once a project is designated, an estimated duration, priority, person responsible, and estimated completion date are assigned.
  • Reduces lifecycle costs of projects.
  • Sample reports include the Weekly IT Status Report and Completed Projects Report.

The Status Report is presented at weekly management meetings. Projects are grouped by stage within their lifecycle: implemented, in user testing, programming, or analysis. Status and activity-to-date are reviewed. At these weekly meetings, management and affected users receive a timely review of progress and have the opportunity to change project priorities.

The Completed Projects Report lists all completed projects and compares actually. Estimated dates. This report allows management to measure the effectiveness and timeliness of delivering projects.


Sample Report
(Names of client and it's employees have been deleted)

[The purpose of the Weekly Status Report is to enable client executives and users to review activity and progress on all IT projects.  The client has the opportunity to change priorities at any time.]

Weekly IT Status Report

Projects Implemented                                                       EST/PRI/RESP/ECD
(8)     Internet Site Phase 1  
                                              60 /HIGH/DG/06/10/99
         Produce time line by Monday afternoon
         -Create new configuration for cable assembley
         -Step One - Produce PRD
         -Had Meeting with Jim for initial PRD
         -Need to create PRD for approval
         -Created PRD to submit at weekly meeting on 04/22/99
         -Step Two - Create Functional Specs
         -Created unctional Specs to 85%, will need to finish FSs
              when all of the files are sent from Akamie.
         -Received files and finished FSs
         05/13/99 - Create new FSs for frames site
         05/19/99 - Finished new FSs
         -Jim and Don will be defining cable constraints for
              database.  Expected to be finished on 6/2/99
         -Phase one completed.  Site passed.

Completed Projects

Req No. Date Requested Estimated Completion Actual Completion Description Assigned to
2 04/07/99 04/08/99 04/08/99 Emailing data sheets DG
3 04/07/99 04/08/99 04/08/99 Outlook DG
4 04/08/99 04/08/99 04/08/99 Email fill p DG
1 04/02/99 04/11/99 04/11/99 Fax network DG
16 04/17/99 04/30/99 04/30/99 Import Act database to Outlook 98 DG
5 04/25/99 05/03/99 05/03/99 Sales force automation DG
14 04/25/99 05/13/99 05/13/99 New scanner DG
7 04/10/99 05/13/99 05/13/99 HP server and Crystal Reports BMB
23 05/13/99 05/18/99 05/18/99 Frames Concept DG
26 05/19/99 05/26/99 05/26/99 Act database in Florida DG
28 05/27/99 05/27/99 05/27/99 Set up printer on Roland's system DG
27 05/24/99 05/28/99 05/28/99 Web site email response for quotes DG
8 06/10/99 06/10/99 06/10/99 Internet site Phase 1 DG
31 06/15/99 06/17/99 06/17/99 Web server DG
13 06/09/99 06/21/99 06/21/99 FDC ***** DG
32 06/21/99 06/24/99 06/24/99 Install new FDC DG

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