Help Desk Management Module

Methodology for Help Desk Management

The goal of BMB Associates’ help desk methodology isn’t simply to fix problems, but to eliminate them before they occur. Trends are identified and potential problems are eliminated. Help desk requests can be analyzed by type of problem, department, or user.


  • Every call is logged.
  • Every resolution is fully documented
  • Standard reports include those sorted by category, department, caller.
  • Trends are analyzed and action is taken to prevent similar calls.
  • Sample reports include Help Desk Summary by Category, Summary by Department, and Summary by Caller. Summary reports are helpful in identifying trends. For example, if one user has more calls than average, maybe he or she needs additional training.

Sample Reports
(Names of client and its employees have been deleted).

[The purpose of the Help Desk Report allows client executives and users to review all requests for help and their solution, whether completed or pending.]

Date of call Time of call Caller Name Department Extension Resolved by Date and time Resolved
4/9/99 3:26PM **** Sales 10 David G 4/9/99 3:30 PM
Problem: Act Files on Jay's machine would not save as .adt files.  They save with no extensions.
Resolution: Verified that the Act extensions where properly set up, and that work extensions where properly set yup.  Rebooted machine.  Call received at 2:45.

Date of call Time of call Caller Name Department Extension Resolved by Date and time Resolved
4/14/99 4:51 PM ***** Accounting 33 David G 4/13/99
Problem: Needed Act database imported to OL 98.
Resolution: Upgraded to IE 5.0, Office SR2, and Outlook 98, Exported Contact list from Act 3.0, Imported to OL 98.

Date of call Time of call Caller Name Department Extension Resolved by Date and time Resolved
4/16/99 10:03 AM **** Sales 33 David G 4/16/99 1:00 PM
Problem: Request to load icons to taskbar.  Dave here is the list of icons I open every day:  Excel, Lotus, Growthpower, Act, Word, Outlook, Watermark, Internet.
Resolution: Added items to taskbar quicklaunch, however the Active Desktop was not installed.  I spoke to Carol and they had chosen to install Active Desktop previously.

[The purpose of the Summary by Category report is to identify areas which are causing the greatest problems.  Steps can than be taken to do away with future problems ib these areas.]

Summary by Category

PC User Question              
PC Virus
PC software
PC hardware

[The purpose of Summary by Department report is to identify departments which require the greatest amount of support.  This report may identify need for improvement in specific applications or additional training for people in specific departments.]

Caller Department Count Per cent of total
Accounting 5 9/3
Administration 7 13
Management 3 5.5
Manufacturing 1 1.9
Materials 3 5.5
Production 1 1.9
Purchasing 2 3.7
QC 2 3.7
Sales 30 55
Grand Total 54  


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